Global Warming and Climate Change

Many people on the political left today tend to blame all that is wrong with the earth on human beings and their actions. Although we humans should and do share some of the blame, many fail to realize all the good that has come to mankind because of our endeavors.

Perhaps the biggest arena of blame is in the arena of climate change, more importantly, global warming. Despite that fact that much of the information put forth on global warming has been disproved and proven false, many still believe the earth is warming and the activities of humans are to blame.

It was only thirty years ago scientists told us the earth was cooling and we were in for a monumental ice age. The interesting part of this, thirty years ago the earth was cooling. The earth goes through warming and cooling cycles approximately every 30 to 40 years. This is common knowledge and something I learned in elementary school.

Didn’t these scientists go to elementary school, is their memory that short they can’t remember back thirty years or to their school years? Don’t they realize how foolish they look when they make unfounded statements such as these? And how about the media, do they ever think for themselves, or are they just nonthinking drones who believe anything they are told?

It would be pretty egotistical of us to think we as humans would have a very large impact on the weather and climate of the planet earth. Any one who has flown for a very long distance over the American west or perhaps the Australian outback have to realize how vast this world is. There is much more uninhabited land than we could ever populate or pollute on a large scale.

The earth has unlimited resources,and although conservation is a good idea, if for no other reasons than economic, we can never use them up, new sources of energy are discovered daily, large reserves of oil, even to this day still remain unknown. The only thing limited on this planet is man’s ability to perceive this limitlessness of our resources.

Climate change is happening today, just as it has for eons in the past, there is always constant change in our environment, this is nature’s way of replenishing the very things we need and use daily, it is a natural occurrence.

It isn’t hard to look for these changes that have occurred over time.In the desert southwest, it is obvious much of the landscape at one time was under water, watermarks are seen on the rocks. At an altitude of 4,500 feet beach sand can be found in Sedona Arizona. How did that get there?

Mastodons have been discovered in Siberia with green vegetation still in their stomachs. There is much evidence that Europe experienced not only a mini ice age but also temperatures in the middle ages were warmer than those experienced today. there were no SUV’s back then. I don’t think the cave men could build a camp fire large enough to warm the planet that much.

I’m not sure why people want to blame everything on mankind, maybe they have some sort of inferiority complex or a self destruction tendency, but with all the evidence to the contrary, I find it hard to believe anyone who says we are destroying the planet. Quite to the contrary, the planet is capable of taking care of itself and will be here long after we are gone.